Welcome to Wellness
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New Path offering child and youth mental health walk-in clinics
New Path offers Child and Youth Mental Health Walk-In Counselling Clinics in Alliston, Barrie, Bradford, Collingwood and Orillia. The Walk-In Counselling Clinics provide a single session to children, youth and families seeking support for emotional, relationship or behavioural challenges. They can be accessed by children, youth and families as often as needed. Children, youth and families can self-refer by attending any location across the county. Dates and times of the clinics are posted on the New Path website at www.newpath.ca under 'Services'. For more information, contact New Path's Central Intake Department at 705-725-7656 or 1-866-566-7656.
Wednesday Wellness Resources
Self-care 101
Resiliency during Covid19
The Canadian Centre for Child Protection team can assist families in navigating systems, connecting with supports and assisting with the removal of images through the use of Project Arachnid.
Where young people can get help:
• NeedHelpNow.ca provides youth with the opportunity to reach out for help and with step-by-step instructions to assist with image removal if they don't feel comfortable reaching out for help.
• Cybertip.ca to report
Where parents can come for help or more information:
• Cybertip.ca to report
• Learn more about online harms ( https://www.cybertip.ca/en/online-harms/sexual-violence/?utm_campaign=sl&utm_term=/osv )
• Online Sexual Victimization: Picking up the Pieces resource booklet ( https://protectchildren.ca/en/order/product/360:en/ )