The GEOSCI program appeals to students that want to extend and expand their learning to make connections beyond
normal classroom curricula. This enriching program offers students a unique opportunity to integrate Geography and
Science into a two-credit, double period class in order to take advantage of the inherent connections between the two
courses. Starting with the beginning of the Universe and ending with present day Earth, students will be taken on an
interesting time journey. Students will focus on our planet's physical environment while examining the interrelationships
between humans and the Earth (how we affect the environment and how the environment affects us) with focus on the
spatial importance (the “where and why”). Students will deepen their understanding by studying the science behind
these connections by using the scientific method. Students will conduct investigations through hands-on activities and
experiments, which will help develop an understanding of the natural phenomena, as well as apply the concepts of
geographic thinking and spatial skills by using technology such as Geographic Information Systems. Learning will be
enhanced through experiential education opportunities by going on field excursions to Lackie's Forest, the Science
Centre, Downtown Toronto, the ROM and the University of Waterloo.
CGC1D1: Geography of Canada (See description under Canadian and World Studies)
SNC1W1: Science (See description under Science)
NOTE: Students would select BLOCK2D on the Option sheet IN PLACE OF individually selecting Geography and Science